
Video: laying electric underfloor heating

Video instructions will help to install the underfloor heating under the tile yourself, with your own hands. The video shows the filling of the heating section into the screed. Installation of a temperature controller with a temperature sensor.

Installation of underfloor heating under the tile with your own hands in 8 steps:


1. Calculate the heating area

Stepping back from the wall about 100 millimeters, mark the area in the room that needs to be heated. We recommend not to heat the floors where stationary furniture will be located: wardrobes, bedside tables, dressers and the like. Therefore, this area must be excluded from the heating area. Measure the resulting area. Suppose the measured area was 5 square meters. Choose the heating section of the required length

2. Do I need thermal insulation?

If you have an unheated room from below, for example, you install underfloor heating on the ground floor, balcony or in a bath, then at this stage we recommend putting special thermal insulation.

3. Prepare a place for the thermostat

Decide on the location of the thermostat, prepare a hole in the wall for the sub-cabinet. A thermostat will be installed here in the future. It is best to choose a place next to the outlet at a distance of at least 50 millimeters. Then make a recess - a strobe, with a section of 20 by 20 millimeters towards the floor.

4. Mounting the tape

On the area marked for heating, mount the mounting metal tape. Attach it to the floor in steps of 500-700 millimeters.

5. Laying of underfloor heating

It is best to start laying the heating section without laying the so-called cold end of the power cable, which is laid in the strobe and displayed on the floor. Spread out the heating section with a slight tension on the marked heated area. Fasten the cable in the mounting tape in increments of 75-150 millimeters.

Place a corrugated pipe in the tube for the temperature sensor. Plug the end of the pipe and fix it. Run a temperature sensor into the corrugated pipe. Next, the tester checks the absence of conductivity between the heating core and the grounding protective conductor.

We measure the resistance of the heating section, it must correspond to the values specified in the passport. The resulting value is recorded in the passport.

6. Fill in the underfloor heating screed

Draw a diagram of the installation of the heating section in the passport. Fill the floor with a heating section with sand-cement mortar, no more than fifty millimeters thick, to create a base for the floor covering. After setting the mortar, lay any floor covering (for example, tiles).

7. Installation of the thermostat

Use the tester to check the resistance of the heating section, the absence of conductivity between the heating core and the grounding protective conductor, as well as the resistance of the temperature sensor. Install the thermostat in the sub-cabinet by connecting the necessary wiring to it.

8. Test the operation of the underfloor heating

Turn on the thermostat and trust the operability of the system.

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